Arts & Sciences Transfer AA, Pure and Applied Mathematics Area of Concentration - Draft 2024

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    The Pure & Applied Mathematics program offers a 60-credit sequentially tiered course work that provides students the opportunity to master conceptual, theoretical, and technical mathematical skills. The program helps students transfer to a college or university that offers a baccalaureate degree with a major in mathematics. This transfer program ensures that all transfer requirements are up to date with other higher education institutions.

    The courses included in the program qualify students to transfer as a junior to Bachelor of Science degree programs at a four-year college or university. Advanced mathematics includes learning mathematical principles, analyzing data, and solving real-world problems. Students pursue a wide range of occupations.

Career Options

    • Actuary
    • Analyst
    • Mathematician
    • School Mathematics Specialist
    • Statistician

BCCC's Advantage

    • Small class size
    • Virtual & remote learning
    • Majority of graduates transfer to a bachelor’s degree program or find job placements

Suggested Sequence Of Courses

  • Every degree-seeking student must complete the College’s General Education Requirements in addition to the requirements of his/her academic program. Through the College’s General Education Requirements, students acquire basic knowledge of the disciplines in the areas of arts and humanities, social and behavioral sciences, biological and physical sciences, mathematics, English composition, and computer literacy.

    Find out more in the Baltimore City Community College Catalog

Program Faculty

  • Professor Petal Sumner
    Mathematics Transfer Program Coordinator

    Liberty Campus, Life Science Building, Room 206
    410-462-8041 (Office)

    Scott Saunders
    Associate Dean

    Department of Mathematics and Engineering
    Liberty Campus, Life Science Building, Room 211
    410-462-8242 (Office)