Arts and Science Transfer, AA, Theatre Area of Concentration

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    Program Description 

    Increasingly, highly motivated students whose sights are set on careers in law, medicine, pharmacy, business, education, government service, journalism, the visual arts, music, the social sciences, languages, and other fields are finding that the most strongly recommended path to a bachelor’s degree and professional school training is a liberal arts education. BCCC’s Arts and Sciences Transfer Program is an excellent means to begin this path. In addition to offering an enriched liberal arts study, the program provides students with individual support by the Arts and Sciences Program Coordinator and the College’s transfer counselor.

    Following initial advisement by the Program Coordinator, the entering student selects a specific program concentration:  Arts and Sciences Transfer Degree. The art concentration is one of the options for the Arts and Sciences Transfer degree.  It is designed to train students who are interested in transferring to a four-year institution to take a BFA or MFA in Theatre or Theatre Education.

Career Options and Occupation Outlook

Job Description

  • Actors express ideas and portray characters in theater, film, television, and other performing arts media. They also work at theme parks or other live events. They interpret a writer’s script to entertain or inform an audience.

    Students may also take a four-year degree in Theatre education and become primary or secondary instructors. 

Skills Needed

  • Ability to demonstrate creativity in the field, memorize scripts, and use artistic expression.   “Most actors work under pressure and are often under the stress of having to find their next job.” 

Program Faculty

  • Dr. Katana Hall
    Liberty Campus, Main Building, Room 164C

    410-462-8314 (office)