Program Learning Outcomes

  • Robotics/Mechatronics Skills        
    • Operate/program /repair industrial robots.
    • Describe current status of robotics technology and new development.
    • Operate CNC machine to produce a part with the process of designing, AutoCAD, format conversion, design input, CNC tool/path configuration, CNC simulation and CNC operation.
    • Use various sensors to develop a automation cell.

    Electronics Skills              

    • Use Ohms’ Law and Kirchhoff’s rule to analyze DC/AC circuits.
    • Solve problems related to semiconductors, digital systems and PLCs.

    General educations subjects, CADD, and other technology related subjects 

    • Use CAD software to produce 2d and 3D designs.
    • Use college level mathematics knowledge to solve technology problems.
    • Communicate with peers/supervisors effectively