Disability Support Services
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How to Register for Services
You must disclose your disability to DSSC to receive support services at the college. DSSC will monitor student academic progress, and provide appropriate accommodations and services.. Students may be referred to DSSC by a professor, a college staff member, a rehabilitation counselor, a high school counselor, and/or another student receiving services.
7-Step process PowerPoint presentation.
Academic accommodations are not automatically put in place; students must be self-advocates and request services. Students who wish to obtain accommodations for their classes must follow DSSC procedures:
- To register with DSSC students must disclose having a disability and needing accommodations.
- Students must have a Disability Verification Form and supportive documentation completed by a qualified practitioner.
- Students will return completed forms to DSSC. The DSSC Staff reviews all information to certify eligibility. The student will be contacted if additional information is required.
- The student is contacted to schedule an Intake Meeting via email.
- The DSSC Staff conducts intake meetings and discuss reasonable accommodations. Letter of Accommodations will be reviewed and completed.
- The student must meet with their professor(s) outside of scheduled class to discuss the accommodations. Faculty signs the acknowledgment form that confirms they have received a copy of the accommodation letter.
- The student will return all completed accommodation documents including the faculty signature form to the DSSC OFFICE electronically at dssc@bccc.edu.
You may contact DSSC any time if you have questions or concerns about your accommodations by phone at 410-462-8589 and/or by email at bcmiller@bccc.edu.