Coronavirus Updates
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BCCC Strong
We Are All Together: Message from Maryland Community Colleges' Presidents

We Are BCCC Strong
We are delighted how engaged our faculty and staff have been during the BCCC Strong campaign. From short videos, to pictures and all forms of encouraging messages, we have shown how supportive we can be for our students and each other.Now that the spring semester has ended, don’t stop reaching out to each other. It can be a brief email, a Zoom fun hour or any form of communication. This pandemic has forever changed our lives, but we will always be BCCC Strong!
Helping the Community
Last Saturday volunteers from the College assisted WCK with distribution of freshly packed food at the South Pavilion parking lot. Meals are not currently being served at this time. Thank you all to those who came out!
BCCC Strong
95.1 FM-WBJC, the official radio station of Baltimore City Community College and Maryland’s classical music station shares encouraging messages of hope and inspiration from its listeners.
“We may not have an antidote for the corona virus, but WBJC is surely an antidote for the anxiety brought on by this pandemic. Many thanks for your warm, calming voices and stellar programming, things we can count on in an uncertain time.”
- Anonymous, Reisterstown, MD“Your presence on the airwaves continues to be a much need balm for my psyche, especially in these days; never underestimate the calm and reassurance you bring to your listeners...”
- Rev. Scott Bellow, Rector, St. David's Church
Show how you are “BCCC Strong” by sending in a selfie, short video or message of hope to
How to share your selfie, video or message of hope:
- Send messages which are under 50 words.
- Take a selfie or video of you teaching remotely, taking a class online, studying online, or some BCCC related activity.
- Record your video with your phone, tablet or camera, preferably in horizontal, landscape format. Please keep the video length to 1 minute or less.
- Be sure, for videos, to answer questions such as:
- How does it feel being away from friends, professors, colleagues?
- How has social distancing affected you?
- What are you doing to keep active, while honoring the stay at home order?
- Can you share a story where you helped a family member, friend or neighbor?
- What do you want to say to your BCCC Community about being BCCC Strong?